Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Gender Inequality During The Workplace - 1609 Words

Gender Inequality in the Workplace Times have changed; western women have more influence in the workplace than ever before in history. Today women make up 19% of Congress, almost double the share from 20 years ago. Five percent of women are now serving as CEOs of Fortune 500 companies (Pew Research â€Å"Women in Leadership). Approximately 65 percent of women work in high paying careers, triple that of 40 years ago. The gender gap in salary is also less than it was decades ago. In spite of these advances, gender roles and society expectations are still keeping women from achieving equality in the workplace. Gender roles establish the attitudes and behaviors that are expected of the two sexes in a society. Sex refers to the biological differences between male and female. Gender, on the other hand is the characteristics that a society assigns as masculine or feminine. Society expects a woman to be a nurturer and caretaker, whereas a man is expected to lead and earn money. Females are expected to be weak and submissive, whereas males are supposed to be strong and assertive. These gender expectations tend to keep women from speaking up for their rights. For instance, according to Sexual Assault Response Services, approximately 16% of women have been victims of attempted or successful rape in their lifetime, yet only 5% percent of these women actually report the rape to the authorities because they are not used to standing up for themselves. Gender roles lower women’sShow MoreRelatedGender Inequality During The Workplace1613 Words   |  7 PagesGender Inequality in the Workplace It was the holiday season and the workers were vigorously working to receive that desperately needed bonus. The day before the holiday break, the workers were eagerly lined up to receive their checks along with their bonuses. After receiving their checks, Susan got a glimpse of Christopher’s check and she noticed how she was paid far less than him even though they both had the same position and worked the same amount of hours. Throughout various aspects of societyRead MoreGender Inequality And Women During The Workplace Essay881 Words   |  4 Pagesmarried women. Also, more than half a million women in 2011 were looking after home/family compared with only 9,600 men (Gender Equality In Ireland). Gender stereotypes are hard to break, and like it or not, we are all prone to engaging in stereotyping at one time or another. This is demonstrated in the work of Mahzarian Banaji here at Harvard (Gender Inequality and Woman in the Workplace). In Addition, A review of the Australian Defence Forces (ADF) was conducted alongside by Australia’s Sex DiscriminationRead MoreThe Inequality Between Men And Women Based Solely On Gender1025 Words   |  5 Pagesthe inequality between men and women based solely on gender. This dilemma is one that occurs across every continent and has been the subject of many riots, protests, and discussions since the early centuries. Gender inequality can happen in any setting, time, and place. However, gender inequality is highly likely inside the workplace. Many employers discriminate against woman and sometimes then do not even know that what they are saying or doing is considered discrimination. Gender inequality in theRead MoreGender Inequality Essay1153 Words   |  5 Pagesresearchers, we get to know more and more on the issue of gender inequality in different areas of our society. However, although significant progress has been made during the twentieth century, in an attempt to equalize the rights of women and men, they still do not seem to be met daily. Having a job is considered important for men and women, although the centrality of work is organized completely differently by gender. This form of inequality persists in all areas such as: participation in decisionRead MoreWhy Do People Struggle For Accept Those Who Are Different From Themselves?1479 Words   |  6 Pagesthose who are different from themselves? As one of many age old questions, examples of discrimination have been traced throughout history for ages. There are many categories of discrimination and inequality, including those aimed at people due to their race, sexual orientation, and gender. Gender inequality in specific has gone through a vast amount of changes, especially as women eventually began to speak out against the rules and laws that bound them. They protested against their lack of rights,Read MoreThe Combat For Women s Rights1181 Words   |  5 Pageshave struggled to be considered equivalent to men, both at home and i n the workplace. Women have struggled with voting rights, less pay, lower positions in the workplace, and responsibility of maintaining household chores. Though women have gained voting rights in the United States, women still struggle with the other gender inequalities. In today’s society, women are fighting with more diligence than before to end gender division. Women have made significant leaps and bounds of progress and areRead MoreEssay on Income Inequality and the Effect on Gender Diversity1080 Words   |  5 Pages In the workplace, there are multiple races of people: Asians, Latinos, African-American. This is known as racial diversity. Within these races are both women and men. This is known as gender diversity. Diversity is a common goal that employers strive for. There are many types of diversity in the workplace such as racial diversity, age diversity, and diversity involving skills. This range of people, age and skill make the workplace a more interesting place as people work with different intentionsRead MoreGender Inequality : Gender Inequalities825 Words   |  4 PagesMichael Ursini Mrs. Karen Cardenas English 4 Sec 03 Sum 17 07 July 2017 Gender Inequalities Thesis: While this could be the best thing the world could accomplish if something changes, Women and men should not be segregated into their own category. Because both genders should have equal rights when it comes to working, money, households, relationships and other categories. This problem has been around for a long time but never been brought to a lot of people s attention, because of this nobody talksRead MoreGender Issues For Women s Mothers At Work1510 Words   |  7 PagesGender related issues for women inparticula mothers at work. Gender inequality Inequalities have been prevalent since the beginning of civilization. Up until the women’s movement, did we see a shift in feminism whereby women would gain certain rights. Within this movement, the role of the women fell short to discrimination and gender inequalities. The argument stands forth and is true that there are gender inequalities prevailing in all aspects of society. Thus, the concept of gender is notRead MoreGender Inequalities Of Workforce And Gender Inequality1594 Words   |  7 PagesSociology 101 February 1 2017 Gender Inequalities in Workforce Over the years it has become evident that women face far more significant barriers in the workforce than men do. A clear representation of this barrier is established by the gender pay gap, which is the difference in monetary amount received between a woman s and a man s average weekly earnings. The economy, as a social institution, is affected by gender and sex inequality. The idea of inequality in the workplace is central to explaining

Monday, December 9, 2019

Acquiring English as Second Language at Schools free essay sample

Also, we are going to talk about does practicing language make it easy to acquire? And can adults learn a second language as their mother language? Finally in the conclusion we are going to shed lights on why it is important to learn a new language. Introduction Can adults learn a new language better than children? Some studies show that adults can learn language better than children. Adult’s ability to hear and understand another language is somehow difficult, but they may learn it faster. steve, 2005) Adults are part of a language community, when they decide to learn a new language; means that they choose to become a part of another language community. When learning English language by adults, they feel that they must be perfect in the language they are learning. The greatest problem is that learner and teachers think that adults cannot learn a new language as children. But many studies have shown that this is not true. We will write a custom essay sample on Acquiring English as Second Language at Schools or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Studies show that adults actually learn languages more quickly than children in the early ages. To speak English language is important to improve our communication ability. And it is not accepted from people to think that a new language is learned only by children. Body Methods of learning a new language: To learn a foreign language you can follow some steps, which make the language easy for you to acquire. 1- Spend time: if you spend a lot of time in learning language, it will be easy for you to acquire. This means you must write read and listen! And you have to love the language you are learning. Listen and read every day: you can read and listen thing which you love. Such as music, books†¦this allows you to get used to the language. 3- Focus on words and phrases: you will need a lot of vocabularies, study and use them in your language. Learn these words and phrases through your listening and reading. (steve, How to Learn a Foreign Language, 2007) How English as second language is taught in classes: English as a second language for adults is often taught in a similar wa y to teach children. It’s good to label things, draw pictures and listen. It is important to make sure that adults understand the words that have multiple meaning, because in English there is a lot of multiple meaning. (katie) In classes teachers follow some rules to teach children such as: Practicing oral reading, study the basics of spelling, understanding how sentences are formed, offer opportunities of creative writing. (Schreiner) Note: When we start talking about words with multiple meanings, there are some basic definitions that we need to discuss first. Those definitions are the ones attached to homonyms, homophones, and homographs. Homonyms are words which have the same spelling and pronunciation, but have different meanings. ( engaged: They got engaged on March 7th. /The students were very engaged in the presentation) 2- Homophones are words which have the same pronunciation, but different spellings and meanings. (buy/bye/by) 3- Homographs are words that are spelt the same, but have different pronunciations and meanings. (read: She is going to r ead the book later. /He read the book last night) (http://grammar. yourdictionary. com/) Does practicing language make it easy to acquire? Case study: Her name is jasmine, she’s 17 years, and she born and lived in Brazil. She knows and speaks on Brazilian language. Last year she came with her family to live in Lebanon, and she face difficulties in learning and speaking Arabic language. She decided to learn English, a teacher come every day to her home and teach her. Now after studying and practicing she knows English very well. And as I observe, practicing English language such as reading, watching English films, listening to music and speaking English with others allows the person to become better in language. Conclusion Why is it important to learn a second language? In a world that is increasingly interdependent, we can no longer afford to remain monolingual. Studying another language has many advantages: In education: languages have been taught in schools and universities. In Public Relations: knowing a language and its culture can make the difference between success and failure. In Social Services: dealing with social groups who don’t know another language can in many times make the communication abilities difficult.

Monday, December 2, 2019

The Gift of the Magi

One of the reasons why short story The Gift of the Magi by O. Henry continues to enjoy an undermined popularity with contemporary readers is that, despite its apparent shortness, it presents a high literary and philosophical value. In its turn, this can be explained by the fact that, while exposed to this story, readers become enlightened of what accounts for the actual qualities of a truly loving relationship between both spouses and what can be considered the discursive significance of the act of gift-giving.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Gift of the Magi specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The short story in questions also contains insights, as to what can be thought of as the observable indications of one’s endowment with the sense of nobleness. In this paper, I will aim to explore the validity of the above-statement at length. The plot of The Gift of the Magi is rather straightforward. While experi encing the acute shortage of money, Della Dillingham decides to cut off and sell her luscious hair, so that she would be able to buy her husband a respectable Christmas gift – a platinum chain for his pocket-watch. However, by the time Jim returns back home and is being presented with his gift, Della realizes that he had sold his pocket-watch, in order to be able to buy his wife the set of jeweled combs for her hair. Given the fact that, as it was implied earlier, ever since it was first published in 1906, The Gift of the Magi never ceased appealing to readers, we can well assume that the themes and motifs, contained in the story, are thoroughly consistent with people’s unconscious anxieties, in regards to the notion of love. Apparently, O. Henry knew perfectly well that the strength of the romantic involvement between husbands and wives (men and women) is being reflective of their willingness to sacrifice for each other, while deriving a strong emotional satisfaction out of the process. Therefore, even though that, as a narrator, O. Henry does refer to the way in which Della and Jim went about exchanging gifts as ‘foolish’, he nevertheless cannot help considering it utterly wise, at the same time: â€Å"Of all who give and receive gifts, such as they (Della and Jim) are wisest. Everywhere they are wisest. They are the magi† (1906, 9). The reason for this is quite apparent – in order for a particular gift to be appreciated by the person that receives it, he or she must be perceiving it as such that proves the gift-giver’s unquestionable loyalty. In this respect, the gift’s utilitarian value comes second in importance.Advertising Looking for essay on literature languages? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Therefore, Della’s choice for a gift is explainable. By presenting her husband with a platinum watch-chain, she unconsciously strived to assur e him of the fact that being a remarkable individual; he well deserved to be sacrificed for – the considerations of practicality did not bother Della, whatsoever. In the similar manner Mary Magdalene treated Jesus – even though that the oil, with which she washed Jesus’s feet was ridiculously expensive, she did not hesitate even for a second buying it. It appears that Della used to perceive her husband in terms of a godlike figure, whose existential significance did not have anything to do with his de facto social status. The message that is being conveyed through the story lines, in regards to the acts of gift-giving, on the part of both characters, can be interpreted as follows: the condition of poverty, which loving husband and wife get to experience, as they go through life, has no effect on the actual quality of their relationship. In fact, it is something that allows this relationship to thrive – whatever illogical it may sound. That is, of course, for as long as the individuals in question are thoroughly noble, in the discursive sense of this word. The way the characters of Della and Jim are being represented in The Gift of the Magi leaves no doubts that, despite their poverty, both spouses were capable of not allowing their worrisome financial situation to affect their sense of self-identity. Hence, the philosophical significance of how the author describes the appearance of the room, in which the couple resided: â€Å"It did not exactly beggar description, but it certainly had that word on the lookout for the mendicancy squad† (3). Apparently, he wanted to promote the idea that, even while experiencing hardships, existentially noble people never allow the resulting sensation of frustration, on their part, to begin defining who they actually are. We can well speculate that the earlier mentioned description serves as the proof that Della and Jim used to be endowed with the so-called ‘Faustian’ mentality, c oncerned with people’s ability to overcome their animalistic instincts, while striving to realize what accounts for their true calling in life. herefore, there is nothing incidental about the fact that in his story O. Henry made a deliberate point in accentuating Della’s artistic aspirations, â€Å"Della, being slender, had mastered the art† (4). By having done this, he succeeded in ensuring that readers would never doubt the psychological plausibility of Della’s sacrificial gesture.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Gift of the Magi specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The rationale behind this suggestion is simple – one’s affiliation with art naturally causes the concerned individual to seek what can be considered the surrounding reality’s hidden (metaphysical) aspects. As a result, the manner in which he or she addresses life-challenges and relates to others ends up being increasingly perceived by conventionally minded people as somewhat ‘odd’. Yet, even though that these people may well think of Della’s gift as a rather impractical one, deep on an unconscious level, they nevertheless realize that, while choosing her husband a gift, she could not act in any other way than she did. Being an essentially ‘Faustian’ individual, Della was naturally presupposed to think of her husband in terms of what he should have been, rather than in terms of what he was in the reality. Nevertheless, even though that, formally speaking, O. Henry does not seem to wholeheartedly approve the sacrificial acts of gift-giving, on the part of Della and Jim (hence, his reference to them as ‘foolish children’), he nevertheless does admire both characters. Partially, this can be explained by the particulars of the author’s biography, as a man with extensive life-experiences. That is, the fact that throughout the cours e of his life, O. Henry never ceased taking an active stance on the matters of a socio-political importance, while suffering a number of setbacks, such as having been in jailed for the duration of 5 years, naturally endowed him with the sense of perceptual wisdom. Hence, the discursive significance of how he reflects on the integral components of one’s life: â€Å"Life is made up of sobs, sniffles, and smiles, with sniffles predominating† (p. 3). The above-quotation suggests that, having been an analytically minded person, O. Henry was capable of deconstructing even the most complex phenomena, such as the phenomena of people’s existence, down to their basic elements. Given the fact that, being a wise man often causes the concerned individual to look ‘deeper’ in the discussed subject matters, as compared to what it is being the case with ordinary people, there is nothing too surprising about the author’s tendency to approve the earlier mention ed ‘foolishness’, on the part of Della and Jim. Apparently, he knew that people’s endowment with ‘Faustian’ mentality does not only enable them to ensure the continual vitality of their marital relationships, but that it also makes them the agents of the ongoing social and cultural progress.Advertising Looking for essay on literature languages? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More After all, it was due to Della and Jim’s belief that there are ‘higher’ things in life, worthy to be sacrificed for, that the plot’s unraveling is being perceived by the majority of readers as emotionally intense and intellectually stimulating. In its turn, this implies that Della and Jim were more than capable of operating with utterly abstract categories, while having the voice of the ‘monkey from within’ suppressed. After all, as the story’s context suggests, the sensation of hunger was certainly well known for both characters. Yet, instead of finding a more practical use for the money that she received from selling her hair, Della end up buying a watch-chain. Yet, as we are well aware of, it is specifically people’s ability to transcend beyond the physiological aspects of their existence, which makes it possible for them to act as the society’s productive members. Therefore, there can be only a few doubts that, while e xposing readers to the characters of Della and Jim, O. Henry strived for nothing less than promoting the idea that, contrary what it is being commonly assumed, it is only those individuals that radiate ‘nobleness’ around them, who deserve attaining a social prominence in life. Unfortunately, this is rarely being the case. Hence, the strongly defined tragic overtones to the story of Della and Jim – apparently, the author wanted to emphasize the sheer unfairness of the situation when, due to poverty, existentially noble individuals are being denied the chance to make their lives count, in the social sense of this word. The very same overtones, however, cause The Gift of the Magi to emanate the spirit of humanism. This simply could not be otherwise, because the story’s themes and motifs do prompt readers to think that the pathway towards ensuring the fairness of the society’s functioning is being concerned with establishing social preconditions for peo ple, capable of acting as the agents of progress and justice, to be able to advance in life. The story also specifies what can be considered the indications of people’s ‘qualification’, in this respect – their endowment with the ‘Faustian’ sense of idealism, which naturally causes them to adopt the altruistic mode of existence. I believe that the earlier provided line of argumentation, as to what can be considered the discursive significance of the themes and motifs, contained in The Gift of the Magi, is fully consistent with the paper’s initial thesis. In light of what has been argued, there indeed appears to be a good rationale in referring to this particular story by O. Henry, as such that will continue representing an uncompromised literary value well into the future. Works Cited Henry, O. 1906, The Gift of Magi. PDF file. 3 Oct. 2013. http://www.ibiblio.org/ebooks/Henry/Gift_Magi.pdf This essay on The Gift of the Magi was written and submitted by user Crule to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The Day JFK Was Assassinated essays

The Day JFK Was Assassinated essays The Day JFK Was Assassinated On November 22, 1963, President John Kennedy was killed while he was touring on the streets of Dallas, Texas along with his wife Mrs. Kennedy, Texas Governor John Connally and Mrs. Connally. He was there to build support for his 1964 re-election campaign by stopping the split between the Democratic Party. The Lincoln convertible, which the president was in, came from the east of Main Street. In the vehicle, the driver and a Secret Service agent sat in the front, governor Connally sat on a jump seat on the passenger side which his wife on his left, and President Kennedy sat behind Connally with Mrs. Kennedy on his left. The day was going fine, the crowd was cheering, and Dallas was a lot friendlier than Kennedy had expected. The Lincoln made a right turn onto Houston Street. About a block later, the driver pulled a 120-degree left turn onto Elm Street, slowing down to the speed of 10mph directly front of the southeast corner of the Texas School Book Depository. Then the limousine kept going downhill through Dealey Plaza, where a big crowd had gathered to see the President. In a pile of book cartons six stories above Elm Street, the assassin that killed Kennedy watched the limousine through an open depository window. Then he took out a Mannlicher-Curcano carbine, using the boxes to steady the muzzle. He let the cross in his telescopic sight meet the tiny President below in the right rear seat about 200 feet away. Took a breath, exhaled, and squeezed the trigger. People who were at Dealey Plaza that day described what happened there very differently. Some said they heard shot from a grassy knoll on the same side of Elm Street as the depository building. Some claimed to see puffs of smoke from the knoll, and also men with guns. Some people heard eight shots, some heard two, or none. The only thing that can tell exactly what happened was a strip of 8-mm color film that was taken by a m...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

About Corporations in the United States

About Corporations in the United States Although there are many small and medium-sized companies, big business units play a dominant role in the American economy. There are several reasons for this. Large companies can supply goods and services to a greater number of people, and they frequently operate more efficiently than small ones. In addition, they often can sell their products at lower prices because of the large volume and small costs per unit sold. They have an advantage in the marketplace because many consumers are attracted to well-known brand names, which they believe guarantee a certain level of quality. How Large Corporations Benefit the American Economy Large businesses are important to the overall economy because they tend to have more financial resources than small firms to conduct research and develop new goods. And they generally offer more varied job opportunities and greater job stability, higher wages, and better health and retirement benefits. Nevertheless, Americans have viewed large companies with some ambivalence, recognizing their important contribution to economic well-being but worrying that they could become so powerful as to stifle new enterprises and deprive consumers of choice. Whats more, large corporations at times have shown themselves to be inflexible in adapting to changing economic conditions. In the 1970s, for instance, U.S. automakers were slow to recognize that rising gasoline prices were creating a demand for smaller, fuel-efficient cars. As a result, they lost a sizable share of the domestic market to foreign manufacturers, mainly from Japan. In the United States, most large businesses are organized as corporations. A corporation is a specific legal form of business organization, chartered by one of the 50 states and treated under the law like a person. Corporations may own property, sue or be sued in court, and make contracts. Because a corporation has legal standing itself, its owners are partially sheltered from responsibility for its actions. Owners of a corporation also have limited financial liability; they are not responsible for corporate debts, for instance. If a shareholder paid $100 for 10 shares of stock in a corporation and the corporation goes bankrupt, he or she can lose the $100 investment, but that is all. Because the corporate stock is transferable, a corporation is not damaged by the death or disinterest of a particular owner. The owner can sell his or her shares at any time or leave them to heirs. Disadvantages Large Corporations Have on the American Economy The corporate form has some disadvantages, though. As distinct legal entities, corporations must pay taxes. The dividends they pay to shareholders, unlike interest on bonds, are not tax-deductible business expenses. And when a corporation distributes these dividends, the stockholders are taxed on the dividends. (Since the corporation already has paid taxes on its earnings, critics say that taxing dividend payments to shareholders amounts to double taxation of corporate profits.) This article is adapted from the book Outline of the U.S. Economy by Conte and Carr and has been adapted with permission from the U.S. Department of State.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Investment Portfolio paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Investment Portfolio paper - Essay Example According to her, it has a broad global track for the equity part of her portfolio, hence secure for her investment. This investment plan is also well registered and recognized worldwide. Since she intends to invest for over thirty years, this investment will give her good returns since it has a high demand. This is a follow up of her willingness to maintain discipline on investment as she has done before. Besides, she has no dependants and has sustainable income which will enable her to invest without interruption. Her return objectives are determined by the capital she holds in her retirement benefits account which she never monitors, meaning she is determined to let it grow without interference. ETF is an organization that has grown for over years with expensive assets. This gives it chance to reduce the level of risks it faces. The risks are therefore tolerable by this woman. This means that she has a high probability of getting returns, but low probability of getting losses. There is also a good chance of diversifying the investments in the organization. This is because it has variety of securities, enabling any shareholder to diversify investments at will. She can invest in securities like bonds, debentures and many others among the investment

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Volkswagen Commercial Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Volkswagen Commercial - Essay Example The little boy dressed like the super heroes at Star Wars and the concept of trying to use inward force to move things was creatively used. If I were the director of this commercial I would compare the new Volkswagen Passat with another car taking good care not to show the brand of the other car. Instead of the little boy trying to give life to the doll, make the dry cleaner work or trying to move the dog I would prefer he tries to make a similar car from another company start its engine. Since it would fail to start, the dad would arrive and when the little boy tries to use his assumed internal force in the car, the dad would ignite the car using his remote control. I would explain to the client that this commercial is easy to understand than the previous one. The comparison of the two cars would give a clearer concept of force than the use of toys and other things in comparison with a

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Definition of family Essay Example for Free

Definition of family Essay The definition of a family according to the U. S. Census Bureau is that a family consists of a householder and any other person living in the same household. However, the people living in the family should be related to the householder either by birth, marriage, or by adoption. The people in a family who are related to the householder are termed as his family members. However, in some houses there might also be people living in a family who might be unrelated to the householder, therefore they are not to be included in the householder’s family while the census is being carried out and thus, the number of family households is equal to the number of families, but the family households may include more members than do families. Therefore, the crux of this would be that all the households do not contain families as they might be unrelated as well. Functions of a family Basically the two functions of a family are: †¢ Economic functions †¢ Political functions Other than these two major categories, a family has a number of functions after doing which a family can be really termed as a family in a true sense and these are mentioned below. One of the most important functions is reproduction of babies and once a child is born, it is the duty of the householder to look after the children, take care of them, monitor that day to day activities, supervise them on certain things, interact with them and provide them with all the necessities and love it would require to make them good grown ups. As it is not just necessary to give birth to the baby, however they should also be taken care of so that they survive to become adult members of the society. Two persons basically tie the knot of marriage in order to legitimize their sexual relationship and this ensures the offspring is healthy. The household head is supposed to provide economics support to the family as well as to fulfill the love, emotional, security needs of the family. In the end, I would also add that the family is looked upon in the society with respect and they have a certain position in the society than those individuals just living together without marriage. (Schwartz Scott, 2007). As mentioned above, a family consists of the household member who is basically responsible for his family members. However, to define my family I would say that my family does not fulfill the definition of the family mentioned above. This is because the fathers are usually the ones who are said to be the household heads and they are responsible of taking care of the family members. I am only the child in my family and my parents were divorced when I was four years old. I am living with my Mom right now and the rest of my family is living in China. Most of the family functions that I mentioned above are not actually applicable to my family. This is because my parents had an unhappy marriage and this thing gave me a lot of bad experiences. The first function of the family is to ensure that the baby grows as an adult of a society. In my case, however I did become an adult but it was just my mother who took care of me and looked after all my needs. A father is always necessary to make a family more strong as the responsibilities of a father are different than ones of a mother but in my case, my mother was my mother as well as my father. She was the one who was responsible for each and every activity of mine. It is believed that a family is economically supported mostly by the fathers, however as my mother had a divorce with my father, she was the one who had to support my needs all by herself. And I think that my family did not manage things well. The divorce of my parents at the time when I was just four was a shock for me as for a family to survive well; both the mother as well as the father has to be there so that they might fulfill their own set of responsibilities and ensure that the family is living happily. However, this was not the case for my family as the divorce between my parents made things worse for me. Although my mother did all she could do for me but still the presence of the father is essential for a family to prosper well. Thus, according to me, my family did not address the functions of a family well as it was an unhappy and irresponsible family. The fundamental purpose of each family is to fulfill the requirements and the functions of a family. It is vital for each family to fulfill their responsibilities as this not just affects the family alone but the society and the environment as well and it also affects the people around you. No one likes to be friends with the families who are not well settled in a way that the parents might have conflicts amongst each other or they might not want to live with each other and this would create lots of problems for their children. Therefore, for a country to prosper well it is essential that the families living there are happy and contended. The functions of the family highlight the responsibilities the household head has with reference to their family. Therefore, its informative nature helps to think about families in terms of the functions it fulfills. Reference Schwartz, M. A. Scott, B. M. (2007). Marriages and families: Diversity and change. 5th Edn. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Essay --

In the 21st century, there have been many visionaries in society who aim to bring about social change. Understanding different societies and the way they evolve are a part of social change. In the films, Pleasantville, Crash, American History X, the Pianist and Cry Freedom a move towards social change is seen. The structure of family, discrimination and the breaking of social barriers are prominent factors in all these films. These arguments be seen through an anthropological, sociological and psychological perspective. The anthropological discipline views family structure as a part of culture. The term of family structure in anthropology is known as kinship. Every film highlights the family structure. According to an anthropological school of thought a functionalist explains that how family structure is important and if this structure is not proper it can affect the whole society. In the film, Pleasantville, one of the prominent themes is the family structure. According to an anthropological view family structure is strong in Pleasantville because of the way the people are raised. They are raised in a culture where they are taught to have a strong bonding. Bud was interested in watching that show because his own family life was disturbed. In the beginning of the film, when his mom plans to go out for a while, the first thing that comes into Bud’s mind is that he will get time to watch his favourite T.V show. The family shown in the film Pleasantville was a typical nuclear family following a patriarchy. In Pleasantville, George is seen romanticizing with his wife Betty which is an example of family structure, â€Å"Oh pumpkin, you sure know the way to this man’s heart†. Family structure is very in every step of life. In the film, The ... ... changes the way people thought about things. In other films, such as, The Pianist and Cry Freedom there were examples of breaking of social barriers which affected the psychology of the population who brought change in their behaviour after discontinuing the traditional practices. Conclusion Through the analysis of the films, The Pianist, Pleasantville, Crash, American History X and Cry Freedom, the dynamics within societies are shown. These dynamics can be viewed according to anthropology, sociology and psychology. Each film emphasizes the effect social change. The themes displayed in every film including discrimination, family structure and breaking social barriers are all a part of social change. Furthermore, social change displayed in American History X, the Pianist, Cry Freedom, Pleasantville and Crash all deals with revolution and movement towards change.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

A Place That Gets Worst From Time To Time

There is a country in South East Asia known as the Philippines. It is composed of 7.100 islands and has its roots dating back to Spanish occupation. The country has a long history of being an occupied nation.Spanish slavery by the Americans only to be occupied by the Japanese during World War II. The Americans once again liberated it and eventually gave the country independence.The country has never stood a chance to develop and become a player in the emerging economies of the world due to poor political leadership. It was under a dictatorship spanning twenty years begging in the 70's.The dictator president, Ferdinand Marcos was ousted in a bloodless revolution known as People power only to have the new leaders hounded by countless military uprisings that continue into the present leadership of the country.It is this political turmoil that has caused regression in the country. It has been getting worse since the Americans left because the people do not know how to govern themselves. They could be the Asian equivalent of Nigeria in the future most specially with their national elections, known for its violence, being underway with the opening of the campaign season this January.In the end, it seems like bad leadership and selfishness is causing an already bad situation to get worse in a country that seems to be getting into even worse situations with each passing day. In this situation that seems to have no solution, only the ordinary citizens of the country come out at the losers because they do not have the voice to be heard and the conviction to fight for what is due to them. Â  

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Global Stratification and the World Order

Requirement One: â€Å"Global Stratification and the World Order† 1. )After reading what John Perkins had to say I really had to second guess my understanding and acceptance of our government. I did not realize how far the government is willing to go to ensure the world order and economic structure is always stacked in our country’s favor. I thought we were the country to help other countries out. The government does this, but makes it so the countries we are assisting are forever in debt to us, giving us what we want.We all seem to want to believe that we have a great government system but does tricking vulnerable countries and making them â€Å"slaves† to our economy sound like a caring strategy? I would have to say no. It was interesting to read from John Perkins that they will go through different levels of people until someone does the job and manipulates the other country or people. If those people do not succeed, then young men and women soldiers are broug ht forward to win the fight like they are doing in Iraq. This is pathetic. The government will put many peoples’ lives on the line just so they can have their way.After this information was brought to my attention, it made me and is making me feel very insecure about the government I live my life by. I love my country but the government is a completely different situation for me now. 2. ) American corporations keep our government alive and going. I say this because so many of our corporations look for cheap labor and other costs in different countries around the world that are vulnerable to our power. These American corporations will have their factors in other countries and control their workers. Then they can manipulate them and help out the government.For example, an American corporation like Target has a factory in Mexico. There might be some time of political thing going on in Mexico and a politician may be in favor to giving some control over the Mexico to the U. S. So Target will somehow bribe or persuade their workers to like this certain politician, giving the U. S. government what they want. This might me a dramatic situation but I believe it is happening. When I go to Target and buy a shirt I do not think about where it came from, what kind of environment it was made in, or who the people were who made it. American corporations can use their power against the government.If the government does not allow them to look elsewhere for cheap labor then they will no longer be funded and supported by that corporation along with other disadvantages. That could cause a domino effect with other corporations seeing this. It would simply tear our government apart. The government may be manipulating other countries but American corporations are the ones manipulating them. I always see commercials on TV, encouraging American citizens to help out others less fortunate in other countries. Sometimes the people that put on these commercials are American corporat ions.Those corporations have factors in other countries and are making it worse for that they are trying to â€Å"help†. It is a big act that the corporations put on to make it look like that they are not at fault; they are trying to fix things†¦ha. No matter where a corporation goes, labor is labor. Just because they move their factors to a poor country does not mean that the workers deserve less. They make surviving worse on them because they pay them nothing and never change it. Workers will work countless, harsh hours to make a tiny bit causing them to be mentally and physically ill.American corporations will promote help for the people that they are hurting. This is a concept that sadly I just figured out. 3. )No one should ever be murdered just for not agreeing and â€Å"going along with the program†. I would just go with it because I know how powerful the government is and I would not want to die. There have been many leaders and people of other countries w ho have not agreed with what the U. S. was trying to do with their country so they decided to put their foot down. Those people would usually end up dead or somehow their reputation got destroyed so they wished they were dead. It is a cycle that is hard to stop.People get scared of others who have power. That is horrible that power has to be used against people. I understand that this world is survival of the fittest but it is not a game to see who can win. It has been made into a game though and many people and countries lose against our government. The U. S. wins for all the wrong reasons. I understand that murder could be the answer if that person hurts our county in any way but I suppose they were just trying to make a stand in the wrong way. When I think about it I cannot think of how we can get out of this situation. How do I as a citizen of the U. S. ake our government stop this? I believe it will take a nation of citizens to realize this and make a change. 4. )The world†™s social class order is set up the exact same way as the United States’ social class. The dominant wealthy ones run the world while the rest of us live underneath them. In many social classes in the world the upper class has been distinguished by the possession of largely inherited wealth, while the working class has consisted mostly of manual laborers and semiskilled or unskilled workers, often in service industries, which earn moderate or low wages and have little access to inherited wealth.The middle class includes the middle and upper levels of clerical workers, those engaged in technical and professional occupations, supervisors and managers, and such self-employed workers as small-scale shopkeepers, businesspeople, and farmers. There is also often class permanently jobless and underemployed workers called the underclass. All of these things are related to our social system. I do not think the world has mimicked us but the U. S. has mimicked the world. We are a fairly younger country compared to others who also have had social classes sense their beginning.I do believe that when a nation changes their ways of social class sometimes others do too. The U. S. has much more equality in the social classes so other countries have seen how it works so they will make changes to their social class. The world social class as one has distinct social classes just like ours does. There are some differences though. The world social class seems to be ran more by the upper very wealthy social classes. These classes are made up of heirs that have lots of money. There are many countries who have families that have lots and lots of money.Our higher social classes do have heirs in them but I think many have made it to success and made lots of money. Social classes in the world have distinct different classes which I think we do to but there is a more mixture in each class. Sometimes people in upper class can also be categorized in the middle class, for example. 5. )Sense our world is getting older, goods and certain things are becoming limited. Each country has something that is known to them. A certain good that is in high demand is oil, for example. World political order has a lot to do with this subject.It is obvious that people who have money and are higher up in social stratification can manipulate each other which mean the average person just goes along with it. The United States has inequality as well as the rest of the world. Sometimes things that bring in money and power is more important to the ones that run each country. They will choose this over getting food to their starving citizens or put more labor into their country than into something else. I mostly am talking about the example given†¦oil. I think it is a product that holds lot of power and money. The people that have power over others, high social class people, ight over it all the time. Like I said before, countries will choose to put all of their time, energy and mo ney into the production or buying of oil. OPEC nations have this power over the rest of the world and fight against the other OPEC nations. They can easily bargain with the United States and manipulate us to give something, pay a certain amount or even sacrifice something that belongs to the citizens. It seems to me that due to economic sanctions Iran has been completely shut, both in and out. This is due to the United States and the power it has, to make their economy suffer so they can gain control.Other countries have followed along and that is why Iran’s economy has gotten worse. Requirement Two: â€Å"Move over U. S. A. -Our Biggest Economic Threats† 1. )From my research I found that China is one of the two countries that holds the biggest threat to the United States. China is second from the United States in gross domestic product at over $11trillion and gaining on the U. S. according to aneki. com (2012). GDP in the monetary value of all the finished goods and s ervices produced within a country's borders in a specific time period, usually calculated annually.The United States does have a higher GDP put China is growing on us and is determined to make more things and give out more services. This does not have to with economics but China’s education system is far better than the United States. Producing smarter people makes a better economy because those people are the ones that work for the economy making it better. United States is far away from have the same educational level as China, so this also poses a threat to us. China’s defense system is also growing towards our strong defense system.With recent reports of China’s threats to our nation it shows the tension and competition they have with us. India falls in next after China with the GDP at $4. 5 trillion. Their economy thriving. Even though $6. 5 trillion dollars from them to us with seems low, it really is not in this sense. Their economy has completely turned around in the past years and they could pass China then us any day. Like China, their education system is also thriving and becoming great. According to americaprogress. org (2013), by 2017 India will graduate 20 million people from high school.That is 5 times more than the United States. I think that India is not only getting richer but making extreme changes. Forty percent of India families survived on only $1. 25 a day. They are changing this through their education system by getting more children through school. It shows the drive for success this country has and how it can go from underdog to top dog. I know I really emphasized the educational success that China and India has been having but I believe that plays a huge factor in the future of our economy and position in the world.More educated people can bring bigger, brighter, and smarter decisions for things that deal with the economy. I am not saying that we as Americans are stupid but we need to push for better education to better ourselves. It may be an awakening for the United States. China and India’s rising GDP also shows that the two countries are making a better economy for themselves but this could cause problem for the United States. This causes a lot of pressure on us because it is coming close to the day when we are not the top dogs anymore.The government has to make careful decisions because knowing that 12% of our debt is owned by foreign countries could cause them to lose even more power. That 12% is a lot and with China and India becoming more powerful, that could become 100%. We could go from the top and powerful country to the slave to many countries. This would be a horrible situation but it could be a learning process for us. We have seen many 2nd rated countries go through some harsh things and somehow survive. Maybe as a nation we need a taste of this especially our government because they often take our society for granted.This may be a bit drastic for me to say but it is h ow I view it. References used in Requirement Two: (2012) http://www. aneki. com/largest_economies. html Cooper, Donna (2013) http://www. americanprogress. org/issues/economy/report/2012/08/21/11983/the-competition-that-really-matters/ Requirement Three: â€Å"Helping Developing Countries† Out of the theories I researched, I think that the dependency theory offers the best explanation for global stratification. This theory contends that the main reason why low-income countries are poor is because they are controlled by high-income countries.These countries exploit and dominate them. I think this is the perfect theory because it shows how much rich countries, especially the U. S. , take control of poor countries and make lives worse for the citizens. This is what this whole assignment is somewhat about†¦the power and control our nation has. Rich nations have a large amount of power by exporting jobs overseas, manipulating foreign aid, draining less powerful countries of th eir resources, and persuading or tricking national governments to comply their interests. This is what I have been discussing for part of my paper.Through this theory high-income countries benefit because the poor provide cheap labor and are no powerful enough to protest. I really believe that this shows how are world is ran. The government says they are helping other countries but really hurting them. The government I think wants to help less advantage countries but the thought of power, money, and being scared gets to them so they keep on manipulating other governments. This theory shows how global stratification works in this world and how it needs to change. The U. S. s not the only powerful country who falls under the dependency theory, other ones do and some are even worse. I believe that if we delete this theory and change global stratification, our problem with poverty in this world will stop. Christine Monnier (2011) from globalsociology. com says that dependency theory als o shows that the degree of dependency increases as time goes on. Wealthy countries are able to use their wealth to further influence developing nations into adopting policies that increase the wealth of the wealthy nations, even at their own expense.At the same time, they are able to protect themselves from being turned on by the developing nations, making their system more and more secure as time passes. Capital continues to migrate from the developing nations to the developed nations, causing the developing nations to experience a lack of wealth, which forces them to take out larger loans from the developed nations, further indebting them. This theory shows how bad countries manipulate each other and is also a never ending process. Reference used in Requirement Three: Christine, Monnier 2011 https://globalsociology. bworks. com/w/page/14711295/Theories%20of%20Global%20Stratification Requirement Four: â€Å"Open†¦. Yes†¦. ,But How Open? † a. After looking over my m atrix when I filled it out I noticed a few things. From my understanding and how I thought my matrix should be done I realized that each class of people is closed. Once a person is in a class, it is hard to be categorized into another by society. A person may go from manager to CEO and that would make them have more money and supposedly change their class. It is harder than that though.It is like what we talked about previously in our book, when society makes a stereotype there is no way to get out of that. I also noticed that I gave each class a certain annual income but after looking at it I think I was too low with each one. I thought that making $35,000 a year is middle class. I thought about it and that is more for the working class. It just shows that the modern society has changed and many people do not realize what â€Å"category† they are in. I also realized that while I filled it out I made it look like ever class besides upper and capitalist had no life or leisure time but actually their the happiest ones.Just because a person does not have a lot of money does not mean they are unhappy. Again, the stereotypical thought I had about each class got to me. After revising I would change a few things on my matrix. b. )The lower social classes are impacted hard by the out society’s stereotypical thought, like I said before. This is a huge obstacle these classes and it is hard for them to pass. It is also obvious to me that when a family is stuck in a lower class it is harder for them to get out of it within the next couple of generations.When a family does not have the means of sending their children to college, then usually that child will have to stay in the lower class because they cannot afford it either. This does not affect the poverty class but the working class and even the middle class as well. Lower class families also face the block of having a steady home. Due to money shortages, they have to move a lot going from house to house o r apartment. It seems to me that if you do not make a certain outrageous amount of money each year, then you will never get out and move up from your social class.The wealthy keep it this way by gaining more power while most of our society is trying to survive. I think that the rich have a lot of power in politics. They will sponsor and give money to politicians who agree with the way they think our society should be or keep it where it is at. Most politicians are wealthy anyways so they already know what to do. They are not there for the citizens but only for the wealthy citizens. They want to gain more power and money. It is all one big greedy cycle. Most wealthy people are good at building the people below them up, just to knock them down again.Like when huge corporations make expensive and big factors then higher people, then they turn around and lay off hundreds of workers because they cannot pay them. The wealthy want the best and to be the best so they overlook how much money they should be spending and then the workers are the ones to get damaged from it. Everywhere you go you can see how the wealthy make sure that the lower class people do not move up in class. For example, in the education system if you do not have the name, the money, or the power then you cannot attend some schools like the Ivey League schools.Tuition is pricey and is always going up. Who do you think raises that? Wealthy, greedy people do who have power to do that. Other classes have been created by the wealthy so when people of lesser class make more money they just move up to a little to the next class and are still far away from wealthy. Unless you somehow magically get millions and billions of dollars, it is very hard and usually not even an option to move up in class. The wealthy put us there and will not let us move. c. )I believe that social mobility plays a huge role in how I can understand the matrix I made.In my previous paragraphs I talked about intergenerational mobili ty (moving up or down the class hierarchy relative to the position of one’s parents). This is what I see happens a lot in our society. It is all about our last name, the money we hold, and the power we have just by the genes we are made up of. Intragenerational mobility (moving up or down the class hierarchy over one’s lifetime) does happen but from my matrix I think that people move down way more than they move up in class. I do not think it has always been this way but this is the way it is in our modern society.From reading about meritocracy (a belief that individual are rewarded for what they do and how well rather than on the basis of their ascribed status), it should be incorporated into our society and social class system way more than what it is now. This thought is just from my own beliefs and from studying how I filled out my matrix. People should not be punished or get rewarded through their ascribed status. I do not like using the term â€Å"ascribed statu s† because we all are our own individuals and should not be identified by our status.This reminds me of what we learned and wrote about from our first reflection paper. I like the idea that the Davis-Moore thesis (the functionalist view that social stratification benefits a society) has but I do not think it is implemented into our social class at all. From my view, social classes are negative but from this theory it is a positive thing. I believe that the people who need to understand this theory and make it work are the higher class people because they are the ones manipulating everything. After then accept it, we can then take advantage of our social stratification.I also believe that the use of corporate welfare (an array of direct subsidies, tax breaks, and assistance that the government has created for businesses) should be stopped because this is one of the many big parts to keeping lower class people where they are at. Instead of helping them out, the government will h elp the corporations out so they can keep their power and money. Helping them first makes sure that the government will still be supported and backed up as well. It is a never ending cycle to keep the poor†¦poor and the rich†¦richer. d. In my life time I would like have social mobility to move me up in class, just like everyone else would like. The first obstacle I cross is of course money. My parents have always helped me to get over this block because they pay for my college and support me with my living. This has helped me to focus on school and get good graded while having a part time job. I believe that getting through college is the first step for me to go up in social class. I also have picked a career in nursing which is a career that holds security and it is easy to advance in. I think that is a probably with today’s society.People choose jobs that they would like to have but most of them are unsteady with not very many openings and the chance of being laid off. Through college I can get my LPN, ADN, and BSN. Each degree can get me more money and more flexibility with the chance to increase my education. When I become a nurse I have to find the best area that can pay me the best and of course I have to like it. Once I am married and have a life I would like to have horizontal mobility (moving from one position to the another at the same class level) because it is not all about the money and class for me, I just want a happy life.This is just the way I would like everything to turn out in my life but after filling out my matrix I realized that this may not happen. As time will go one, society most likely will get worse and it will be even a bigger struggle to have social mobility. All I can do is set goals and try to achieve them but if I end up in a lower social class then I will have to accept that because it is not about my ascribed status with the little power and little money I have but how I live my life. All I can do is hope for the best. Requirement Five: â€Å"Socialism- American Style† a. I think that we will not come to terms with what our society is really like. I think that most of us dream and strive to have money and power because that is what America is all about. This is the country where your dreams can become true and you can live happily ever after. This is a great â€Å"idea† to have but it is not reality. Most poor people believe do not believe that the rich have put them there. Some do know this and try to fight it though. Rich people will help the poor but behind their backs they are just taking advantage of them. Most of us do not realize what is going on.I understand that this is the way it is because it is hard to know what the truth is†¦who to believe? Both rich and poor do not realize what truly is going on and how manipulating power and money is for both sides of the fence. It is a problem in a society that should be fixed but it is hard to find the first step to t hat. b. )Our nation’s welfare system I think helps the poor out a lot but maybe too much. This is how the rich can keep the poor poor. By allowing the poor to have an easy option to get welfare from the government, it enables them to try to better their lives.I do think that there are many poor people in American who need the help and take it while trying to give them a better life but there is also people who take advantage of it. It should become stricter with routine checks of how they are bettering themselves so they sometime will not have to use welfare. I explained this a little in this past week’s online discussion. By allowing more free money to the poor, this takes toll on the average American because they pay the taxes that fund the welfare system. More money allowed to the poor means more taxes being taken away from hard working people.It is a touchy subject because for some poor people it is hard to get out of poverty due to many factors and as a country we should help one another out. The welfare system does help many poor people but they should be pushed to get out of welfare and strive for better. If there are less people on welfare then this could take some power and control away from wealthy and powerful people. c. )I think that socialized medicine should be placed in our society. The health of each of us should be important to ourselves and also to our government.Medicine is a growing industry and with new technology and ideas it can help more people. Sadly though, many American cannot afford healthcare because they are not covered. After researching, I found that Obama-care has more pros than cons. I decided that I agree with it. Obama-care has been incorporated into our society for few years now and changes are happening, they are just taking time to be seen. According to Obamacarefacts. com, sense 2010 over 100 million American citizens have benefited from Obama-care.Its goal is to provide affordable health insurance for all US citizens and to reduce the growth in health care spending. Expensive health care means insurance companies are making more money when also means that the wealthy owners are gaining power. Obama-care may be what our nation needs for socialized medicine but it will take some time to figure it out. From my view, I think that we are on the right track and Obama-care has out us there. Being able to access cheaper healthcare or even just being able to get medical needs for everyone takes a lot of stress off of every citizen from rich to poor. . )In a perfect world I think that people over the age of 65 should have totally free medical care. I wish this could really happen but I do not think it ever will. I think that there might be a time where they pay very little for their medical care though. As a nation, we should strive to make the rest of their elderly lives comfortable because they have worked hard to get where they are at. Some elderly people have not worked very hard though an d those are the people who should be charged for their medical services. I think that when you put in the time you should get rewarded.There somehow needs to be a system where the government can tell how much time and effort that person has put into their jobs. This is kind of a crazy idea because it is hard to determine that we farmers or housewives for example who put countless hours into working and living for their family. Like I said before, I do not think that there will be a day where people older than 65 have free health care but we can aim to decrease their amount of paying as much as possible. I know when I reach that time in my life I will not want to be concerned about how much money I have to pay for healthcare.I would rather be thanked for all of my hard working hours that I gave to my community through cheaper healthcare. e. )I think that our society should incorporate more socialism because we are one nation so we should live as one. Many people are struggling in our society to survive and I think we need to come together to help one another out through forms of socialism. We should look at it as not being ran by the government but working together to benefit our nation not just ourselves as individual.I think that the education system should be available for all, from elementary through college. We should work as one unit to better educate our children. There also needs to be less power from the government and more power given to the people. It is basically what I have been saying throughout this whole paper. There needs to be equality through money and power going from each social class. I think my whole point of my paper is that socialism should be more incorporated into our society. Reference used in Requirement Five: (2010) http://obamacarefacts. com/obamacare-facts. php

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Kristallnacht - The Night of Broken Glass

Kristallnacht - The Night of Broken Glass On November 9, 1938, Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels announced a government-sanctioned reprisal against the Jews. Synagogues were ravaged and then burned. Jewish shop windows were broken. Jews were beaten, raped, arrested, and murdered. Throughout Germany and Austria, the pogrom known as Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass) rampaged. The Damage Police and firefighters stood by as synagogues burned and Jews were beaten, only taking action to prevent the spread of fire to non-Jew owned property and to stop looters - upon SS officer Reinhard Heydrichs orders. The pogrom spanned the night of November 9 to 10. During this night 191 synagogues were set on fire. The damage to shop windows was estimated at $4 million U.S. dollars. Ninety-one Jews were murdered while 30,000 Jews were arrested and sent to camps such as Dachau, Sachsenhausen, and Buchenwald. Why Did the Nazis Sanction the Pogrom? By 1938, the Nazis had been in power for five years and were hard at work trying to rid Germany of its Jews, attempting to make Germany Judenfrei (Jew free). Approximately 50,000 of the Jews living within Germany in 1938 were Polish Jews. The Nazis wanted to force the Polish Jews to move back to Poland, but Poland did not want these Jews either. On October 28, 1938, the Gestapo rounded up the Polish Jews within Germany, put them on transports, and then dropped them off on the Polish side of the Poland-Germany border (near Posen). With little food, water, clothing, or shelter in the middle of winter, thousands of these people died. Among these Polish Jews were the parents of seventeen-year-old Hershl Grynszpan. At the time of the transports, Hershl was in France studying. On November 7, 1938, Hershl shot Ernst vom Rath, the third secretary in the German embassy in Paris. Two days later, vom Rath died. The day vom Rath died, Goebbels announced the need for retaliation. What does the word Kristallnacht mean? Kristallnacht is a German word that consists of two parts: Kristall translates to crystal and refers to the look of broken glass and Nacht means night. The accepted English translation is the Night of Broken Glass.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

7 Unique Valentines Day Gift Ideas

7 Unique Valentines Day Gift Ideas Valentines Day can instill fear into the heart of even the best gift-givers. But as a college student, your funds and options might be limited. What can you give your girlfriend or boyfriend that still gets your message across without seeming too boring and traditional? 7 Unique Valentines Day Gifts Serve breakfast in bed:Â  Instead of a dinner out, surprise your boyfriend or girlfriend with breakfast in bed. It can be as simple as hot coffee and a muffin or as fancy as homemade pancakes and bacon.A picnic with your favorite foods: Does your boyfriend or girlfriend love cereal, for example? Pack their favorite kind in a bag along with some milk, 2 bowls, and 2 spoons, and voila. Youve got yourself one amusing but sweet Valentines Day picnic.Handmade paper flowers:Â  The usual flowers are, of course, a sweet gesture, but they do die after a week or so and can be outrageously expensive around Valentines Day. Instead, make your own flowers out of paper (some craft stores even have kits) for a present that will last a long time and remind your partner how much you care.Buy a kids book with a sweet message: While kids books are, of course, written mostly for kids, they can have sweet messages about loving someone. Find one that works well with your particular relationship for a uni que present that will undoubtedly be cherished for a long time. Make a donation to charity: If your partner isnt into traditional gifts but you want to get them something anyway, consider making a donation to charity. It can be a donation to a local organization, Doctors Without Borders, or even Heifer, which allows you to give enough money so that someone in a developing country can, for example, buy a flock of chickens. (Because who doesnt like getting chickens for Valentines Day?)Bake something homemade: Everyone loves homemade goods; luckily, even if youre not good in the kitchen, you can still give a unique homemade good with a little coordination. You can always order something from a nice local bakery or even make something from a box/mix that you got at the grocery store. Add a little of your own decorations and youll be good to go.Pack a huge box filled with lots of tiny things:Â  Does your partner love a certain kind of candy bar? Little boxes of cereal? A certain kind of cookie? Find the smallest sizes you can of your boyfriend or gir lfriends favorite treats, wrap them all up individually, and then present them all in a big box. Opening up that many presents, even if theyre all similar products, will definitely be one Valentines Day to remember.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Advise Moet Chandon in the Chinese market Research Paper

Advise Moet Chandon in the Chinese market - Research Paper Example China is now the world’s fastest wine consumption country in the world. Some Prestigious French wine producing companies have already invested in Chinese vineyards. This shows that the French companies are interested in the growing Chinese market. One such French winery company is Moet & Chandon. In today’s world for a company to be successful they have to invest heavily in marketing and formulate marketing strategy which would help them boost up the revenues. China’s digital space has increased recently. Companies are trying to increase their presence in the Chinese market not only through regular marketing campaigns like in advertisement in TV, but they are looking beyond that like use of digital marketing. Digital marketing is essentially making use of electronic devices like tablets, computers, cell phones etc. which can capture more eyeballs in today’s Digital environment. One major component of digital marketing is Internet marketing. In this paper, the digital strategies will be focused which Moet & Chandon can take to run their business and also the opportunities and limitation of such strategies in the Chinese market (Shambaugh, 2013). The key objective of this study is to explore the Moet & Chandon’s potential in formulating a successful digital strategy for their wine business in the Chinese market. ... France is one of the top suppliers of bottled wine both in volume and in value. It basically dominates the premium segment of bottled wine. There has been a significant change in the behavior of Chinese consumer. They have become more affluent, more tech-savvy and they have more purchasing options than ever before. Majority of the Chinese consumer has now started to regard the Internet as an integral part of their shopping. Now, they focus on value of the products as more importantly than the price they have to spend. They are happier to spend more bucks in exchange for brands which they can trust than purchasing large amount low priced products or services. It has been seen that the Chinese consumer prefer French and foreign brands compare to lower priced domestic brands (Wertime and Fenwick, 2011). Due to huge accumulation of wealth and increasing spread of digitization in China, it makes this market an attractive one for both domestic as well as multinational companies. But with m oderation of China’s economic growth these companies must also change their strategies in the market. China is a huge market which will define consumer culture at global scale. So, for any effective marketing strategy, the company must first understand and embrace its lifestyle and desires (Holloman, 2013). In China wine drinking is considered as much more healthy compared to spirits and also somewhat trendy and the popular choice being the red wine. In China Young urban business professionals consume the wine most at bars and hotels. The main cities of wine consumption are Shanghai, Guangzhou and Beijing. The retail stores are now stocking up imported wines which increases their revenue as a result the retail sector is growing as a whole. On

Friday, November 1, 2019

Use Of Benford's Law In Fraud Investigation Essay

Use Of Benford's Law In Fraud Investigation - Essay Example it is surmised that when used appropriately and prudently, Benford’s Law presents itself as useful tool in investigating fraud, particularly in relation to accounting and auditing situations. The mathematical validation of the law and the technological advances in the recent past, which facilitate faster and easier programs for digital analysis, have enhanced the usefulness of the law in detecting fraud, as the law is increasing used by forensic accountants and auditors. The cases discussed in the course of the paper demonstrate the usefulness of the law in detecting fraud in real life situations. However, it is important to note that the detection and establishment of fraud in the legal sense of the term calls for further analysis and Benford’s law is only a facilitator in detecting fraud, albeit an effective facilitator. Given the caution in SAS No. 99 that traditional statistical methods only provide broad indications of fraud, and the increasing incidences of white-collar crimes, the usefulness and applicability of Benford’s law in fraud investigation assumes greater significance. Benford’s law, is particularly useful as it conducts â€Å"digit by digit† analysis and helps in identifying the fraud exactly, despite the huge scale and size of data.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Summary Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Summary - Case Study Example Dr. Joan Stafford talked about some of the environmental design courses offered at Cal Poly. A video showed some examples of houses that had been designed with the environment in mind. Also, some of her own personal examples with dealing with nonprofit organizations were mentioned. Julie Phillips asked what the relationship was between the college of environmental design and the center. Dr. Joan Stafford replied that the college handled all the academic side of things, while the center was allowed to be more hands-on. 1. Know what you want from your internship (if there is no purpose or end goal in mind, then you should not be doing it). The student should know where they are going rather than their career guidance counselor. Four types of learning that you should seek: Skills (what do you want to improve?), Content Knowledge (should emerge with more knowledge in that particular field), Organizational Knowledge (how involved are you in the key decisions that the organization has to make), and Learning about Professional Life (how it feels to be working in your chosen

Sunday, October 27, 2019

A review of sexual harassment in the workplace

A review of sexual harassment in the workplace The aim of this research proposal is to put forward a review of sexual harassment at workplace. Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination that violates Human Rights to equality in workplace. It is indeed very unfortunate to know that such an issue is still happening in an unrestrained manner today. In this section, sexual harassment will be first defined. Moreover, emphasis will be laid on the main issue of this research, that is, sexual harassment at work. Finally, we will examine how and why harassment occurs and the possible solutions to combat this issue at the workplace. We are targeting better understanding on how to provide a holistic perspective to sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is a wrongful conduct. It should not be tolerated in the workplace. Sexual harassment refers to unwelcoming sexual behaviour. It includes physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of sexual nature, unwanted sexual advances, sexist remarks, demands or requests for sexual favours and showing pornography. It is true that every individual has the right to life, liberty and equality. This is guaranteed by the countrys Constitution, which is considered to be the supreme law of that country. In the Mauritian Constitution for example, sections 3-19 highlight the protection of human fundamental rights and freedoms of the individual. Section 16 precisely protects individuals against discrimination. It is extremely important for employers as well as other responsible persons or institutions to observe certain guidelines to ensure the prevention of sexual harassment at work. Indeed, to live with dignity is a human right guaranteed by our Constitution.It is the duty of the employer in work places to prevent or deter the Commission of acts of sexual harassment and to provide the procedure for the resolution, settlement or prosecution of acts of sexual harassment by taking all steps required. Studies show that mostly women are victims of sexual harassment and unfortunately very few seek redress and little has received encouraging actions (Chaudhuri P. 2006). For instance, there has been a case in India. In 1985 where a woman, named Shehnaz Sani had been dismissed from her job because of wilful negligence. In fact she had complained of sexual harassment from her employers. She was surely granted legal protection and she was also given her previous job. On the other side, however, her harassers which in this case revealed to be her employers, appealed to the Bombay High Court. Consequently, they were granted a stay as well (Chaudhuri P. 2006 adapted from Staff reporter, Tribune, 7 December, 1998; Namita Devidayal,Times of India, 29 November 1998). Moreover, there is another case where a female employee in a company in Hyderabad. She complained that she was being repeatedly sexually harassed by her supervisor. Her case was being followed by a woman representative from the Head Office of the company (based in the US). Indeed, the harassment was proved but unfortunately, the female employee was seen as a trouble maker. Consequently, she was compelled to resigned and she didi not even benefit from any monetary compensation. In fact, the harasser had great power, authority and influence and hence he was immune to all types of disciplinary committees. He continued to work in the same organisation (Chaudhuri P., 2006 adapted from Kumar, 2003). Moreover, it has been seen that complaints of harassment are very often dismissed as a trivial matter and not officially recorded (Chaudhuri P., 2006 Adapted from Sanhita, 2006). As we can see, these cases prove the fact that among the few cases that women report, there is very less chance of obtaining positive support against sexual harassment. Moreover, the already existing committees have not been able to prove their efficiency- relevant actions are, most of time, not taken against the harasser, especially if he is influential. In this context, it is not wrong to say that laws should be designed against sexual harassment to protect the employee from the boss, from co-workers or even customers at work. In 2001, Mauritius had taken a step to combat sexual harassment. Indeed, on the 21 March, the Mauritian Minister, who was at the head of the Ministry of womens affairs and child development and family welfare had publicly promulgated a legislation to impose limitation against female sexual harassment. The aim was to break the silence on subjects which prevented the woman from enjoying her rights. The women were encouraged to denounce such acts. It is true that sex discrimination laws are very effective and efficient in curbing sexual harassment at the workplace. Sexual harassment can either be Qui Pro Quo or Hostile environment (Hunt C.M et al, 2008). Qui Pro Quo highlights the fact that the harasser explicitly or implicitly make sexual request in exchange for some desired results. However, on the other side, hostile environment explains that sexual harassment occurs when the victim is faced with unwelcome conduct based on his or her sex. Such behaviour can be verbal, non-verbal, visual, or physical. This creates an uncomfortable, intimidating, hostile, or offensive work or learning environment. Prevention is the most effective way to deal with sexual harassment (Sung, 2008). Preventive measures include adopting sexual harassment policies; provide training and establishing complaints processes. All these together help to curb the occurrence of sexual harassment at workplace. A company can also prevent sexual harassment by sponsoring trainings (Sung, 2008 adapted from Bordeaux 2002; Raphan Heeman, 1997). These training may help employees in dealing with sexual harassment and its consequences. Furthermore, the channel for complaints encourages victims to complain and report and consequently, this will discourage harassers from continuing with their unwanted behaviours. Problem statement It is true that no occupation or profession is safe from sexual harassment (Kim and Kleiner, 1999). Sexual harassment continues to be a prevalent issue in workplaces. The frequency shows the seriousness of the problem and also the urgent need to eliminate it. Studies have shown that women are more prone to sexual harassment (Mathis et al., 1981). There might be several explanations in relation to this statement. Long ago, women were seen as second class citizens. They were victims of gender disparities and female subordination at all levels. They were seen as poor, burdened and loaded with difficulties in the male dominated societies. They were uneducated; hence they were not eligible for white collar jobs. They were able to occupy positions like market women or tea sellers ( Abdel Hamid et al, 2009). Furthermore they were unaware of their rights to equality. Consequently, they were sexually harassed in ways like dirty language and jokes imposed on them while doing work. They had to face sexual harassment mostly every day from noisy customers. The lack of education compels the women to bear these harassments without being able to do anything. They did not know about their rights and the relevant laws. Another factor which triggers sexual harassment is the values and customs which arise from cultural beliefs. Some cultures support the fact that men occupy superior position than women. The latter, hence, find it normal and accept that men hold condescending entitlements. This highlights gender disparity which in turn, encourages sexual harassment of women. In such situations, female victims choose to remain silent because they know that they will never get justice. However, even today, despite the fact that there has been emancipation of women, where the latter have become educated, self expressive and aware of laws, there is still sexual exploitation of women. . However we cannot turn a blind eye also to the fact that although less frequent, men can also be victims of sexual harassment. Several studies have revealed that women are also sexually harassing men. Furthermore, nowadays we also find the same sex harassing each other, men harassing men and women harassing women respectively. The majority of cases on sexual harassment which have been reported and brought before the Courts in different countries still show that sexual harassment happens when a person who is in a very powerful position uses his particular position to harass others who are in a vulnerable position. In other words, this would imply that someone who is at the top of the ladder uses his power to continuously trouble another person who is at the bottom of the hierarchical la dder of the organisation. Various international organizations, trade unions, womens associations and other pressure groups have revealed that sexual harassment is becoming an alarming situation, especially in the field of employment (Crucet et al, 2010). On the whole sexual harassment affects an individuals employment, interferes and disturbs the performance. Consequently, an intimidated, offensive and hostile environment come into play. There is a negative impact on productivity as there will be more absenteeism and loss of valuable staff as a result of dissatisfaction at work, low self esteem, frustration and loss of trust. Studies show that apart from causing economic harm, sexual harassment can also have a negative effect on the human psychology. Victims may suffer from various complications like insomnia, depression and loss of interest in the family (Kim and Kleiner, 1999). Whether public or private sector, sexual harassment can be very humiliating and this may lead to health and safety problem. (Chaudhuri P., 2006) Aims and objectives The research proposal seeks to investigate the actual situation of sexual harassment at workplace. There are myths relating that sexual harassment occurs mostly to older people because of their economic vulnerability (Kim and Kleiner, 1999). It is also true that sexual harassment is not necessarily limited to sexual desire and physical attractiveness because sexual harassment is used to bully and intimidate the victims. Hence, we can see that no one is safe from this issue. Consequently, the aim of the research is to make people, whether young or old, experienced or inexperienced, new or old to have a better understanding of this issue so that they will be able to combat it effectively if ever they are found in a difficult situation. We are also aiming to show the reasons, how and why sexual harassment occurs. We are also investigating in the possible consequences and solutions available to combat this issue. It is true that sexual harassment will not halt by simply ignoring it. On the contrary, this ignorance will encourage harassers to continue and even excel in their wrongdoing. We will even try to highlight the fact that when sexual harassment occurs, it is the duty of the employer to protect and support the victims. Studies and journals show that more women are prone to sexual harassment than men. Our study is also aiming to know whether this finding is correct or not. Moreover, through this study we are trying to know about the companys policy against sexual harassment and to know whether laws are strict enough to curb sexual harassment. Organisations should reinforce laws for the prohibition of sexual harassment. The latter should be regarded as an offence in workplaces and raise awareness of appropriate disciplinary measures that will be taken against the offender. Indeed, many public and private organisations have not even set up complaints committees. Impartiality in these committees is highly recommended to halt sexual harassment. For example, a third party representative from anti sexual harassment organisations can sit in the committee. Furthermore, the purpose of our study is to highlight the fact that companies need to have disciplinary measures which will help in reducing sexual harassment and avoid future incidents of this nature in the work place. Discipline should act as a catalyst in the prevention and gradual elimination of sexual harassment. It should be clear to workers that this type of unethical behaviour will not be tolerated at work. There should be different rules to deal with different situations. For example, where minor cases of sexual harassment are concerned, the harasser can be reprimanded and warned. However, in extreme cases, severe disciplinary actions like termination, demotion, reduction of wages, suspension, transfer or reassignment should be taken without any hesitation (The U.S Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 1999). Methods Everyone uses information to make decisions about the future. If the information is accurate, there is a high probability of making a good decision. However, if the information is inaccurate, our ability to make a correct decision is diminished. It is true that better information leads to better decision. Information can be either primary or secondary. Primary data refers to information collected for the specific purpose at hand. On the other hand, secondary data refers to information that already exists to be used for another purpose. In the course of our research, we have made use of both primary and secondary data. Secondary data has been in the form of books, journals and articles from the internet. Our measuring instrument to assess primary data is a written questionnaire. There are different ways to get primary information. Some of them are: personal questionnaires, talking with people, telephone surveys, E-mail and internet surveys, experiments, focus groups, observation among others. Research approach- Questionnaire For the purpose of our research we have opted for personal questionnaires. Indeed the questionnaire is the most efficient way for getting comprehensive information for the study. This method involves interviewing other persons for personal or detailed information. Typically respondents will be required to voluntarily participate by answering questions on the written questionnaire which is simply a list of topics that the research wants to discuss on a certain specific issue. Here, the working people will be asked to determine the factors that influence sexual harassment at the workplace, its nature, how and why it occurs and the possible solutions to this problem. It is true that internet surveys are the fastest method to carry out surveys. However they might be biased because the results might not be representative of the whole population. Moreover, talking with people is also another way of collecting information but it is more appropriate for business purposes where customers and clients interact with each other for business transactions. Telephone surveys are a bit like questionnaires but the only difference is that it occurs orally. However, we did not consider this option as we know, the working population are very busy with their work loads and they will not bother to give importance to surveys carried out on the telephone. A written questionnaire has a greater impact than the telephone surveys and people will be able to express themselves better. At the end of the questionnaire, there was another part which was included to gather demographic information of each respondent. It is good to note that their confidentiality and anonymity will be assured. However, if they will refuse to participate, they will be free to do so. Research Approach- Interview Apart from gathering quantitative data from the questionnaire, we are also looking forward to collecting qualitative data by interviewing some Human Resource Professionals within both the public and private sectors to know about the actual state of sexual harassment in the workplace. Interview has been chosen as a research method because it is very reliable as we as researchers will be physically in front of the respondents and we will be able to guide them about how to better fill in the questionnaires. However, the disadvantage of this approach is that it might be quite time consuming. Sampling In order to draw conclusions about large groups of individuals, researchers normally study a small sample of the total population. A sample is a limited number of units that closely represents the characteristics of a total population. The purpose of the study is to select representatives of that population. Samples may be chosen by two different methods: Probability- including simple random, stratified, cluster and systematic sampling. Non probability- including convenience, judgmental, quota and snowball. For the purpose of our study, we have opted for probability sampling. we find that stratified sampling best suits the needs of our research. We will first of all, divide the working population into 2 stratum, that is, private and public sectors. From a total of 22 public ministries and 10 public companies, we will then use simple random sampling to choose 6 ministries and 6 public companies. We are expecting responses from 60 employers and employees, 30 being from the public and 30 from the private. Our survey is targeting workers at all levels and all departments (management, administration, operational, IT). Such a sample is very convenient to satisfy the mission of the research. Moreover, we will also use convenience sampling for the sake of conducting our interviews. We will select a total of 12 people to interview, 6 being from the public sector and 6 from the private. Benefits of the research Indeed, this research is going to be beneficial for a large segment of people. First of all, it will be highly relevant to the working population, both from the public and private sectors. As we have seen earlier, we are targeting employees from both public and private companies. They will be given a broader view of what sexual harassment actually is, how and why it occurs and also how to combat it effectively. Furthermore, it is also going to be very relevant to future working populations, that is, to university students who will soon be graduating and eventually having their first steps in employment. Indeed, being new and inexperienced, these fresh graduates normally take some time to adapt to the working environment. Additionally, if they have problems relating to sexual harassment, the first option that they will consider is to resign from their jobs. But this is surely not the best solution. Instead, if they should be taught to better understand the issue and how to curb it within the working environment. Budget Analysis List of expenditures Equivalent Cost (Rs) Stationery- Paper, paper clips, pens, cover page 100.00 Travel expenses 180.00 Questionnaires (61) 244.00 Black printing 20.00 Coloured printing for cover page 20.00 Binding 35.00 Electricity and Internet costs 155.00

Friday, October 25, 2019

Consequences in Nathaniel Hawthornes The Scarlet Letter :: Scarlet Letter essays

Consequences in The Scarlet Letter      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There are two sides of consequences for almost everything that happens in life, directly or indirectly.   In life, we could learn mostly from the consequences, rather than from the punishments of our actions.   If the consequences are good, we know that the action should be repeated, sometimes.   If bad consequences outweigh the good, we know repeating would not be wise.   Hester Prynne of Nataniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter, learns from punishment and the consequences of adultery, but from which does she learn more from?      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Punishment from the magistrates was usually strict and severe. Hester's punishment was to stand on the wooden platform, in the town square, for three hours.   She could not speak to any to the numerous eyes that stared at, through her until dark. Hester also had to wear an embroidered A of scarlet cloth upon her chest.   The A symbolized that she was an adulteress, and should not be associated with.   Hester had also been banished from town, and branded an outcast.   Even though she did not name her lover, so that he could be punished, he did not go unpunished. Reverend Dimmesdale had taken it upon him to stand on the same platform that Hester had, and he also whipped himself.   The whipping did not serve its purpose, he was laughing all the while that he lashed himself.   Neither means of punishment had taught him anything, as well as Hester.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   To fill in for what punishment had not taught, consequence brought forth the lessons of life.   The consequences that Hester found were bad and good.   There is usually two sides of consequences.   The scarlet letter showed everyone she was a sinner, an adulteress, making the people sick of her, and did not acknowledge her.   Yet as time went on, people noticed that Hester had embroidered the scarlet letter so beautifully, that she had offers to have embroidery done for others.  Ã‚  Ã‚   As the course of the story the A had changed its meaning.   People saw how strong Hester was and refused to interpret the A as it was meant, the A became to mean both ABLE, and ANGEL.   For her good deeds done unto the community.   She gave clothing to the poor and helped out wherever possible.