Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Gender Inequality During The Workplace - 1609 Words

Gender Inequality in the Workplace Times have changed; western women have more influence in the workplace than ever before in history. Today women make up 19% of Congress, almost double the share from 20 years ago. Five percent of women are now serving as CEOs of Fortune 500 companies (Pew Research â€Å"Women in Leadership). Approximately 65 percent of women work in high paying careers, triple that of 40 years ago. The gender gap in salary is also less than it was decades ago. In spite of these advances, gender roles and society expectations are still keeping women from achieving equality in the workplace. Gender roles establish the attitudes and behaviors that are expected of the two sexes in a society. Sex refers to the biological differences between male and female. Gender, on the other hand is the characteristics that a society assigns as masculine or feminine. Society expects a woman to be a nurturer and caretaker, whereas a man is expected to lead and earn money. Females are expected to be weak and submissive, whereas males are supposed to be strong and assertive. These gender expectations tend to keep women from speaking up for their rights. For instance, according to Sexual Assault Response Services, approximately 16% of women have been victims of attempted or successful rape in their lifetime, yet only 5% percent of these women actually report the rape to the authorities because they are not used to standing up for themselves. Gender roles lower women’sShow MoreRelatedGender Inequality During The Workplace1613 Words   |  7 PagesGender Inequality in the Workplace It was the holiday season and the workers were vigorously working to receive that desperately needed bonus. The day before the holiday break, the workers were eagerly lined up to receive their checks along with their bonuses. After receiving their checks, Susan got a glimpse of Christopher’s check and she noticed how she was paid far less than him even though they both had the same position and worked the same amount of hours. Throughout various aspects of societyRead MoreGender Inequality And Women During The Workplace Essay881 Words   |  4 Pagesmarried women. Also, more than half a million women in 2011 were looking after home/family compared with only 9,600 men (Gender Equality In Ireland). Gender stereotypes are hard to break, and like it or not, we are all prone to engaging in stereotyping at one time or another. This is demonstrated in the work of Mahzarian Banaji here at Harvard (Gender Inequality and Woman in the Workplace). In Addition, A review of the Australian Defence Forces (ADF) was conducted alongside by Australia’s Sex DiscriminationRead MoreThe Inequality Between Men And Women Based Solely On Gender1025 Words   |  5 Pagesthe inequality between men and women based solely on gender. This dilemma is one that occurs across every continent and has been the subject of many riots, protests, and discussions since the early centuries. Gender inequality can happen in any setting, time, and place. However, gender inequality is highly likely inside the workplace. Many employers discriminate against woman and sometimes then do not even know that what they are saying or doing is considered discrimination. Gender inequality in theRead MoreGender Inequality Essay1153 Words   |  5 Pagesresearchers, we get to know more and more on the issue of gender inequality in different areas of our society. However, although significant progress has been made during the twentieth century, in an attempt to equalize the rights of women and men, they still do not seem to be met daily. Having a job is considered important for men and women, although the centrality of work is organized completely differently by gender. This form of inequality persists in all areas such as: participation in decisionRead MoreWhy Do People Struggle For Accept Those Who Are Different From Themselves?1479 Words   |  6 Pagesthose who are different from themselves? As one of many age old questions, examples of discrimination have been traced throughout history for ages. There are many categories of discrimination and inequality, including those aimed at people due to their race, sexual orientation, and gender. Gender inequality in specific has gone through a vast amount of changes, especially as women eventually began to speak out against the rules and laws that bound them. They protested against their lack of rights,Read MoreThe Combat For Women s Rights1181 Words   |  5 Pageshave struggled to be considered equivalent to men, both at home and i n the workplace. Women have struggled with voting rights, less pay, lower positions in the workplace, and responsibility of maintaining household chores. Though women have gained voting rights in the United States, women still struggle with the other gender inequalities. In today’s society, women are fighting with more diligence than before to end gender division. Women have made significant leaps and bounds of progress and areRead MoreEssay on Income Inequality and the Effect on Gender Diversity1080 Words   |  5 Pages In the workplace, there are multiple races of people: Asians, Latinos, African-American. This is known as racial diversity. Within these races are both women and men. This is known as gender diversity. Diversity is a common goal that employers strive for. There are many types of diversity in the workplace such as racial diversity, age diversity, and diversity involving skills. This range of people, age and skill make the workplace a more interesting place as people work with different intentionsRead MoreGender Inequality : Gender Inequalities825 Words   |  4 PagesMichael Ursini Mrs. Karen Cardenas English 4 Sec 03 Sum 17 07 July 2017 Gender Inequalities Thesis: While this could be the best thing the world could accomplish if something changes, Women and men should not be segregated into their own category. Because both genders should have equal rights when it comes to working, money, households, relationships and other categories. This problem has been around for a long time but never been brought to a lot of people s attention, because of this nobody talksRead MoreGender Issues For Women s Mothers At Work1510 Words   |  7 PagesGender related issues for women inparticula mothers at work. Gender inequality Inequalities have been prevalent since the beginning of civilization. Up until the women’s movement, did we see a shift in feminism whereby women would gain certain rights. Within this movement, the role of the women fell short to discrimination and gender inequalities. The argument stands forth and is true that there are gender inequalities prevailing in all aspects of society. Thus, the concept of gender is notRead MoreGender Inequalities Of Workforce And Gender Inequality1594 Words   |  7 PagesSociology 101 February 1 2017 Gender Inequalities in Workforce Over the years it has become evident that women face far more significant barriers in the workforce than men do. A clear representation of this barrier is established by the gender pay gap, which is the difference in monetary amount received between a woman s and a man s average weekly earnings. The economy, as a social institution, is affected by gender and sex inequality. The idea of inequality in the workplace is central to explaining

Monday, December 9, 2019

Acquiring English as Second Language at Schools free essay sample

Also, we are going to talk about does practicing language make it easy to acquire? And can adults learn a second language as their mother language? Finally in the conclusion we are going to shed lights on why it is important to learn a new language. Introduction Can adults learn a new language better than children? Some studies show that adults can learn language better than children. Adult’s ability to hear and understand another language is somehow difficult, but they may learn it faster. steve, 2005) Adults are part of a language community, when they decide to learn a new language; means that they choose to become a part of another language community. When learning English language by adults, they feel that they must be perfect in the language they are learning. The greatest problem is that learner and teachers think that adults cannot learn a new language as children. But many studies have shown that this is not true. We will write a custom essay sample on Acquiring English as Second Language at Schools or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Studies show that adults actually learn languages more quickly than children in the early ages. To speak English language is important to improve our communication ability. And it is not accepted from people to think that a new language is learned only by children. Body Methods of learning a new language: To learn a foreign language you can follow some steps, which make the language easy for you to acquire. 1- Spend time: if you spend a lot of time in learning language, it will be easy for you to acquire. This means you must write read and listen! And you have to love the language you are learning. Listen and read every day: you can read and listen thing which you love. Such as music, books†¦this allows you to get used to the language. 3- Focus on words and phrases: you will need a lot of vocabularies, study and use them in your language. Learn these words and phrases through your listening and reading. (steve, How to Learn a Foreign Language, 2007) How English as second language is taught in classes: English as a second language for adults is often taught in a similar wa y to teach children. It’s good to label things, draw pictures and listen. It is important to make sure that adults understand the words that have multiple meaning, because in English there is a lot of multiple meaning. (katie) In classes teachers follow some rules to teach children such as: Practicing oral reading, study the basics of spelling, understanding how sentences are formed, offer opportunities of creative writing. (Schreiner) Note: When we start talking about words with multiple meanings, there are some basic definitions that we need to discuss first. Those definitions are the ones attached to homonyms, homophones, and homographs. Homonyms are words which have the same spelling and pronunciation, but have different meanings. ( engaged: They got engaged on March 7th. /The students were very engaged in the presentation) 2- Homophones are words which have the same pronunciation, but different spellings and meanings. (buy/bye/by) 3- Homographs are words that are spelt the same, but have different pronunciations and meanings. (read: She is going to r ead the book later. /He read the book last night) (http://grammar. yourdictionary. com/) Does practicing language make it easy to acquire? Case study: Her name is jasmine, she’s 17 years, and she born and lived in Brazil. She knows and speaks on Brazilian language. Last year she came with her family to live in Lebanon, and she face difficulties in learning and speaking Arabic language. She decided to learn English, a teacher come every day to her home and teach her. Now after studying and practicing she knows English very well. And as I observe, practicing English language such as reading, watching English films, listening to music and speaking English with others allows the person to become better in language. Conclusion Why is it important to learn a second language? In a world that is increasingly interdependent, we can no longer afford to remain monolingual. Studying another language has many advantages: In education: languages have been taught in schools and universities. In Public Relations: knowing a language and its culture can make the difference between success and failure. In Social Services: dealing with social groups who don’t know another language can in many times make the communication abilities difficult.

Monday, December 2, 2019

The Gift of the Magi

One of the reasons why short story The Gift of the Magi by O. Henry continues to enjoy an undermined popularity with contemporary readers is that, despite its apparent shortness, it presents a high literary and philosophical value. In its turn, this can be explained by the fact that, while exposed to this story, readers become enlightened of what accounts for the actual qualities of a truly loving relationship between both spouses and what can be considered the discursive significance of the act of gift-giving.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Gift of the Magi specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The short story in questions also contains insights, as to what can be thought of as the observable indications of one’s endowment with the sense of nobleness. In this paper, I will aim to explore the validity of the above-statement at length. The plot of The Gift of the Magi is rather straightforward. While experi encing the acute shortage of money, Della Dillingham decides to cut off and sell her luscious hair, so that she would be able to buy her husband a respectable Christmas gift – a platinum chain for his pocket-watch. However, by the time Jim returns back home and is being presented with his gift, Della realizes that he had sold his pocket-watch, in order to be able to buy his wife the set of jeweled combs for her hair. Given the fact that, as it was implied earlier, ever since it was first published in 1906, The Gift of the Magi never ceased appealing to readers, we can well assume that the themes and motifs, contained in the story, are thoroughly consistent with people’s unconscious anxieties, in regards to the notion of love. Apparently, O. Henry knew perfectly well that the strength of the romantic involvement between husbands and wives (men and women) is being reflective of their willingness to sacrifice for each other, while deriving a strong emotional satisfaction out of the process. Therefore, even though that, as a narrator, O. Henry does refer to the way in which Della and Jim went about exchanging gifts as ‘foolish’, he nevertheless cannot help considering it utterly wise, at the same time: â€Å"Of all who give and receive gifts, such as they (Della and Jim) are wisest. Everywhere they are wisest. They are the magi† (1906, 9). The reason for this is quite apparent – in order for a particular gift to be appreciated by the person that receives it, he or she must be perceiving it as such that proves the gift-giver’s unquestionable loyalty. In this respect, the gift’s utilitarian value comes second in importance.Advertising Looking for essay on literature languages? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Therefore, Della’s choice for a gift is explainable. By presenting her husband with a platinum watch-chain, she unconsciously strived to assur e him of the fact that being a remarkable individual; he well deserved to be sacrificed for – the considerations of practicality did not bother Della, whatsoever. In the similar manner Mary Magdalene treated Jesus – even though that the oil, with which she washed Jesus’s feet was ridiculously expensive, she did not hesitate even for a second buying it. It appears that Della used to perceive her husband in terms of a godlike figure, whose existential significance did not have anything to do with his de facto social status. The message that is being conveyed through the story lines, in regards to the acts of gift-giving, on the part of both characters, can be interpreted as follows: the condition of poverty, which loving husband and wife get to experience, as they go through life, has no effect on the actual quality of their relationship. In fact, it is something that allows this relationship to thrive – whatever illogical it may sound. That is, of course, for as long as the individuals in question are thoroughly noble, in the discursive sense of this word. The way the characters of Della and Jim are being represented in The Gift of the Magi leaves no doubts that, despite their poverty, both spouses were capable of not allowing their worrisome financial situation to affect their sense of self-identity. Hence, the philosophical significance of how the author describes the appearance of the room, in which the couple resided: â€Å"It did not exactly beggar description, but it certainly had that word on the lookout for the mendicancy squad† (3). Apparently, he wanted to promote the idea that, even while experiencing hardships, existentially noble people never allow the resulting sensation of frustration, on their part, to begin defining who they actually are. We can well speculate that the earlier mentioned description serves as the proof that Della and Jim used to be endowed with the so-called ‘Faustian’ mentality, c oncerned with people’s ability to overcome their animalistic instincts, while striving to realize what accounts for their true calling in life. herefore, there is nothing incidental about the fact that in his story O. Henry made a deliberate point in accentuating Della’s artistic aspirations, â€Å"Della, being slender, had mastered the art† (4). By having done this, he succeeded in ensuring that readers would never doubt the psychological plausibility of Della’s sacrificial gesture.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Gift of the Magi specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The rationale behind this suggestion is simple – one’s affiliation with art naturally causes the concerned individual to seek what can be considered the surrounding reality’s hidden (metaphysical) aspects. As a result, the manner in which he or she addresses life-challenges and relates to others ends up being increasingly perceived by conventionally minded people as somewhat ‘odd’. Yet, even though that these people may well think of Della’s gift as a rather impractical one, deep on an unconscious level, they nevertheless realize that, while choosing her husband a gift, she could not act in any other way than she did. Being an essentially ‘Faustian’ individual, Della was naturally presupposed to think of her husband in terms of what he should have been, rather than in terms of what he was in the reality. Nevertheless, even though that, formally speaking, O. Henry does not seem to wholeheartedly approve the sacrificial acts of gift-giving, on the part of Della and Jim (hence, his reference to them as ‘foolish children’), he nevertheless does admire both characters. Partially, this can be explained by the particulars of the author’s biography, as a man with extensive life-experiences. That is, the fact that throughout the cours e of his life, O. Henry never ceased taking an active stance on the matters of a socio-political importance, while suffering a number of setbacks, such as having been in jailed for the duration of 5 years, naturally endowed him with the sense of perceptual wisdom. Hence, the discursive significance of how he reflects on the integral components of one’s life: â€Å"Life is made up of sobs, sniffles, and smiles, with sniffles predominating† (p. 3). The above-quotation suggests that, having been an analytically minded person, O. Henry was capable of deconstructing even the most complex phenomena, such as the phenomena of people’s existence, down to their basic elements. Given the fact that, being a wise man often causes the concerned individual to look ‘deeper’ in the discussed subject matters, as compared to what it is being the case with ordinary people, there is nothing too surprising about the author’s tendency to approve the earlier mention ed ‘foolishness’, on the part of Della and Jim. Apparently, he knew that people’s endowment with ‘Faustian’ mentality does not only enable them to ensure the continual vitality of their marital relationships, but that it also makes them the agents of the ongoing social and cultural progress.Advertising Looking for essay on literature languages? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More After all, it was due to Della and Jim’s belief that there are ‘higher’ things in life, worthy to be sacrificed for, that the plot’s unraveling is being perceived by the majority of readers as emotionally intense and intellectually stimulating. In its turn, this implies that Della and Jim were more than capable of operating with utterly abstract categories, while having the voice of the ‘monkey from within’ suppressed. After all, as the story’s context suggests, the sensation of hunger was certainly well known for both characters. Yet, instead of finding a more practical use for the money that she received from selling her hair, Della end up buying a watch-chain. Yet, as we are well aware of, it is specifically people’s ability to transcend beyond the physiological aspects of their existence, which makes it possible for them to act as the society’s productive members. Therefore, there can be only a few doubts that, while e xposing readers to the characters of Della and Jim, O. Henry strived for nothing less than promoting the idea that, contrary what it is being commonly assumed, it is only those individuals that radiate ‘nobleness’ around them, who deserve attaining a social prominence in life. Unfortunately, this is rarely being the case. Hence, the strongly defined tragic overtones to the story of Della and Jim – apparently, the author wanted to emphasize the sheer unfairness of the situation when, due to poverty, existentially noble individuals are being denied the chance to make their lives count, in the social sense of this word. The very same overtones, however, cause The Gift of the Magi to emanate the spirit of humanism. This simply could not be otherwise, because the story’s themes and motifs do prompt readers to think that the pathway towards ensuring the fairness of the society’s functioning is being concerned with establishing social preconditions for peo ple, capable of acting as the agents of progress and justice, to be able to advance in life. The story also specifies what can be considered the indications of people’s ‘qualification’, in this respect – their endowment with the ‘Faustian’ sense of idealism, which naturally causes them to adopt the altruistic mode of existence. I believe that the earlier provided line of argumentation, as to what can be considered the discursive significance of the themes and motifs, contained in The Gift of the Magi, is fully consistent with the paper’s initial thesis. In light of what has been argued, there indeed appears to be a good rationale in referring to this particular story by O. Henry, as such that will continue representing an uncompromised literary value well into the future. Works Cited Henry, O. 1906, The Gift of Magi. PDF file. 3 Oct. 2013. http://www.ibiblio.org/ebooks/Henry/Gift_Magi.pdf This essay on The Gift of the Magi was written and submitted by user Crule to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.