Sunday, May 24, 2020

Comparing Sophocles Antigone and Jean Anouilhs Antigone...

Both Sophocles and Jean Anouilh use the simple story-line of a girl defying her uncle and king in the face of death to reflect upon the events and attitudes of their days. Sophocles Antigone models the classical pattern of tragedy by incorporating key elements such as a tragic hero with a fatal flaw and the Man-God-Society triangle. Creon is the tragic hero who disturbs the natural harmony of Thebes by denying Polyneices a funeral. Antigone is the catalyst who forces him to reckon with the consequences of his pride and arrogance. In the twentieth century, Jean Anouilh takes Sophocles drama, strips it down to its core, and weaves an entirely different version of the story. Anouilh redefines tragedy by removing the conventional tragic†¦show more content†¦(Sophocles 220). Creon closes his mind even to the wise and aged Teiresias despite being counseled, ?a good man yields when he knows his course is wrong? (Sophocles 232). Thus, Sophocles? Creon is the archetypal Greek tragic hero, setting the stage for the ensuing drama. Antigone, on the other hand, is the maverick who dares to defy Creon, initiating the spiral of events that cause both his downfall and realization of his misdeeds. Antigone rejects Creon?s authority in favor of the higher Divine law, telling her sister Ismene, ?I will bury him; and if I must die, I say that this crime is holy: I shall lie down with him in death? (Sophocles 192). When questioned by Creon as to why she breaks the law, she asserts, ?It was not God?s proclamation. That final Justice that rules the world below makes no such laws? (Sophocles 208). Antigone is unafraid of her punishment claiming, ?this death of mine is of no importance; but if I had left my brother lying in death unburied, I should have suffered? (Sophocles 208). She remains steadfast in her beliefs, never compromising her principles to escape her uncle?s wrath. In her final address to the people, she proclaims, ?you will remember what things I suffer, and at what men?s hands, because I would not transgress the laws of heaven? (Sophocles 228). This indicates that she, alone, has chosen the righteous path. From the openingShow MoreRelatedAntigone, By Sophocles And Anouilh s Versions Of The Modern Version Of Power1259 Words   |  6 Pagesperception and expose its corruption. For instance, Creon’s misogynistic tendencies in Antigone substantiate the idea that abuse of power causes one’s self-immolation. Antigone is a tragedy based on Greek mythology first written by Sophocles, and was later adapted by Jean Anouilh as the modern version. In like manner, the Creon in both versions plays the same antagonist but different characterization. Creon in Sophocles’ version seeks adoption of authority through constructing his own human law and eliminatingRead MoreRelationship Between Antigone and Creon1355 Words   |  6 PagesRelationship between Antigone and Creon Antigone is a play written by Sophocles. The genre of the play that Sophocles wrote was based on tragedy. It is one of the first plays that use tragedy. In the play a young girl named Antigone, stands up against her uncle Creon who is the king. She stands up for her rights, so that she can give a religious burial to Polynices. She was a girl with a lot of will power. This essay talks about the relationship between Antigone and Creon. This essay would contain

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